ArtSparker, Illustration challenge # 2

Anthony was amazed when he looked out the window and observed Jacques Tati catching falling stars in his own backyard.

Challenge and basic illustration courtesy of ArtSparker (

6 have said their bit, now it's your turn:

Tammie Lee said...

I love the way you think,
catching falling stars...

ArtSparker said...

Very poetic - yours is the first piece finished. Thank you.

- Oscar

Anonymous said...


Totalfeckineejit said...

Trés bien, garcon de Icogneato!
Eet is, Ow you say? Surreal dude!
I likes it!

Coffee Messiah said...

Very good...need to come back and look around over the weekend.


Emily said...

hihi... I believe this would have amazed me too!