Cracked (pen & ink on paper)

When I was a little kid I used to spend most of my school day doodling battle scenes as my teachers droned on in the background about, well, whatever it is they drone on about. So it’s not particularly odd that I continued to doodle battle scenes when I got older since I basically never really grew up as such.
This is an ancient pen and ink that I found stuffed away among some other ancient things. It’s from my ‘geometric’ period when I used to fiddle about with a rapidograph and technical drawing templates. How – or why – I mange to hold on to this stuff after all my wandering about is a mystery to me. Nevertheless it does seem to fit the IF bill this week, so there you are. Who knows, maybe I’ll do some new stuff soon . . .

4 have said their bit, now it's your turn:

emilayusof said...

great illustration! i wish i could at least a drawing from my past; been moving a lot, they're lost in-between.

ArtSparker said...

Quite amusing, like some Venusian life form proposing a toast. I can imagine the creaking of the hawsers.

Elizabeth Parsons said...

war of the worlds on crack! love this!

Rui Sousa said...

Really nice one! It´s a fantastic work. Really well done!