Fleeting (digital)

With his ninth life about to be cashed in, Shadrach realized that even for a cat, life can be fleeting . . .

4 have said their bit, now it's your turn:

Lisa Rivas said...

Beautiful captured of a "fleeting moment" and then gone!
Great use of contrast and play with/on words
...Private Life of a Cat...
Have a great week-end!

ArtSparker said...

Very Goreyesque

S was for Shardrach, with fur black as ink
Who ended the ninth of his lives in the drink.

PS. I hope you know that email I sent you was...well, the project itself is some kind of goof.

Anonymous said...

aw, quite a charming little drawing.

i adore anything with cats : D

Unknown said...

Cats are the coolest. Primitive yet intelligent and they don’t sell out. There have been many cats in my life. Though they all were different, none of them ever disappointed me.
As a kid we had a black she-devil by the name of Shadrach; it was only natural to name this one that.

As soon as we move to a more ‘cat-friendly’ place, we’ll be getting a cat.
Monna Honna, the neighbor’s cat that was always visiting (see ‘Ratso (aka Monna Honna)’ post) met her untimely fate in the busy street out in front of our house . . .