Arboreus (watercolor on paper)

8 have said their bit, now it's your turn:

Sarah said...

I would love to live in this tree. Beautiful!

Unknown said...

Many thanks for your comment. I wouldn't mind living there myself . . .


carra said...

Wow! You have some amazing work here! This is my favourite by far. I love trees.

Unknown said...

Mange takk, Carra! Eller - tak så mycket! som det heter i din kant.

I love trees, too. As a kid I had an ongoing fantasy about living in a tree.
Perhaps one day I will . . .


Lynne the Pencil said...

I love the mystical feel of this. great!

Lost Viking said...

I believe at times you did live in a tree or two. Or, at least, left portable stereos chained beneath them.

Unknown said...

I did indeed once live in a tree-house (with a brick fireplace!) for a couple of weeks with several friends. Despite the chain around the stereo (and the tree), it was stolen by The Enemy, a rival gang who lived a bit deeper in the forest in a teepee.
Ah, the good old days!

Sharon Van Orman said...

Tree-house :)